Services and technical


ERC is a multidisciplinary consultancy with a strong set of skills relating to the design, collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data. Our capabilities range from the use of indicators to specialist statistical packages and techniques such as life cycle analysis, value chain analysis, GIS, ecological and carbon foot printing, and modelling. 

We offer a range of services which are detailed below.

Research and surveys

ERC are highly experienced in research and in the collection and management of data, having led numerous data rich projects. We can undertake various types of research, for example to inform how successful a project or activity has been or to gather data to inform policy decision. We are experienced in gathering and analysing disparate data from a range of sources, that is both quantitative and qualitative. We carry out analysis in order to draw out the findings and insights whilst ensuring an independent and accurate report for our clients. We can gather information and data using a variety of techniques including online surveys, workshops, engagement events, observations and interviews, or collate data that has been collected by others. We can present the data, findings, discussion and any recommendations in a number of ways including reports, presentations, GIS or infographics. 

Strategy and planning

We provide expert advice and guidance to organisations on how to achieve their long-term objectives. This can include defining a vision, mission, and goals, and developing a comprehensive roadmap for success. We can help clients navigate through complexities, identify opportunities and challenges, and recommend actionable strategies. 

Development needs assessment

We conduct 'gap analysis' and determine the 'needs' required to enable a desired outcome in order to make informed decisions and achieve strategic environmental goals. This includes the use and definition of 'problem trees' and 'solution trees' to aid thinking and visualisation.

Stakeholder engagement  and facilitation

We support organisations in hearing the views of their stakeholders, and interpreting what those views may mean. We work with clients to develop a stakeholder engagement strategy that meets their needs and budgets. We can gather views using a variety of techniques including online surveys, workshops, engagement events, and interviews, or collate data that has been collected by others.

Capacity building

We develop capacity using methods and techniques that result in increased abilities of individuals, groups, and organisations to define and achieve objectives, develop goals, and solve issues within a local context and in a sustainable manner. This is achieved through establishing effective learning systems, enhancing knowledge and awareness, and technical expertise.

Training and events

We help clients to plan and run training or events. We work with clients to develop an appropriate format and help deliver the training in person or online and carry out evaluations.

Partnership development

We have a strong background in partnership development, having worked extensively with governments and their institutions, the World Bank, LAs and National Parks, FAO, eNGOs and other international organisations.  We  work with organisations to help create partnership and can then provide support to take the partnership forward.

Behaviour change

ERC are experienced in behavioural change, working collaboratively with our clients to apply the science of behaviour change theory and techniques to their environmental projects.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning

We help clients to evaluate their projects in order to find out what went well, what didn’t go so well, how things could be improved, and how other organisations or projects can learn from their experiences. We work with clients to develop an appropriate evaluation framework and can then undertake the evaluation to provide evidence, lessons learnt or recommendations.

Technical resources

ERC have access to a range of technical resources including a full suite of licensed databases, as well as data visualisation tools and GIS.  Specific and selected GIS, data visualisation and data management tools include the following:

  • QGIS 16.2
  • ArcGIS
  • R Project for Statistical Computing
  • SPSS
  • NVivo
  • Smart Survey and SurveyMonkey
  • Otter ai