Client Cefas
Location Sri Lanka
Date January 2022 – March 2024

ERC led a pilot study of Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) in Sri Lanka. This included the design and implementation of a robust methodology aimed at delivering an initial assessment of ALDFG in Sri Lanka based on a sample of fisherfolk and the analysis of the results. As a pilot the effectiveness of the methodology was reviewed to  identify lessons learned and areas for improvement and recommendations and areas for further work were made. This has been published as an academic journal paper

ERC subsequently carried out a national baseline assessment of ALDFG in Sri Lanka and an outreach programme. The assessment focused on capture fisheries covering coastal, estuarine and deltaic environments as well as the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and beyond (BEEZ), also known as Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).  Data was collected from over 600 interviews with fishers, which was analysed to identify 'hot spots' of ALDFG and to complete a material flow analysis of fishing gear plastics through the Sri Lanka value chain. This assessment provides the baseline against which the effectiveness of future and proposed interventions can be measured. 

The project also involved an outreach programme involving a national workshop with Government departments and agencies, industry, harbour managers and fisheries organisations. The purpose was to disseminate key findings on the nature and impacts of ALDFG from Sri Lankan fisheries, to review existing management, and identify options and opportunities for change. It also determined the next steps in developing collaboration aimed at preventing / reducing ALDFG (and EoL) in Sri Lanka.

Reference: Gallagher et al. (2023) Abandoned, Lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in Sri Lanka – A pilot study collecting baseline data. Marine Policy 148

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